nice singing, lovely echoey sound, a really different sounding melody to it. it picks up just at the right point i think.
pleasing sounds and original sounding (to me) melodies
your goin on my favourates!
feel free to check out my newest!
nice singing, lovely echoey sound, a really different sounding melody to it. it picks up just at the right point i think.
pleasing sounds and original sounding (to me) melodies
your goin on my favourates!
feel free to check out my newest!
I really appreciate your opinion! I always had reservations singing on one of my tracks but, I had to figure that if I tried real hard that it might not suck. Thanks for listening.
nice key playing, and a nifty little bass line too.
the drums could do with being a bit more present in the mix mind
cool sound though- nice electric guitar sounds too love the panning!
feel free to check out my newest!
i did it was rly good. not my style so much but i can ur good at what u do.. thx for the review!
i like the muffles voice sounding sample in the background, and the drum programming sounds real tight, the bass line is cool also. cant think of a critiscism for this one- goot work!
feel free to check out my newest!
Thanks, d00d!
nice mix of small and huge sounding instruments- the trebbly drums sound cool
im not so sure of the synth- thought it sounded a bit to cheesy, but what the hell do i know- this still sounds great!
also, feel free to check out my stuff too!
oh thank you a lot... I'm little bit nervous about this one cuz it had 1.50 score while ago... now I don't if it is because of dumbhead zerovoters or my haters-club or if it's really that bad ;) I'll check out it for sure... thanks for r/r!!
nice perc noises at the start, cool filtered guitar...not to sure of the stabby srtingpad things that come next- maybe an organ would be better,- cool song to- you should expand on the idea!
also, feel free to check out my stuff too!
Now that you say it, expanding seems like a cool idea.^^ I guess the track just felt finished when I did it but I will definitely try to make a full song out of it. Will upload the tune if I succeed. :P
Thx for listening and taking the time to write a review (and inspiring me to work on this piece again. :)
No, it just doesn't turn out the way I want it to. A longer version becomes either repetitive or something like a total overdose of sound. Sorry. :/
are people voting low because its quite quiet, its a real sweet and melodic sound youve got there, i really like it!
also, feel free to check out my stuff too!
I was thinkin the same thing. heh, well thanks for the review. i'll check your stuff out and leave a review soon.
cool beat, has a slightly creepy aphex twin feel to it..
not bad- make it longer with a different bit and a cool break in it and it will be pretty cool!
also, feel free to check out my stuff too!
Thanks for your compliments and suggestions.
the flutes sound really good and its a nice melody line too-
the glockenspiel sounds nice too, i would take the dela off it myself to make it sound more real, but thats just a preference thing.
maybe it should build up really dramaticaly, bring in some chello and big BOOMBOOM precussion prehaps
i like it so far keep it up!
ok, thanks!
i will try and finish it...but what do you want me to finish first, the movie on "cheese" or the song?
you always sound different....
you always sound the same.
im loving this sound of yours a whole lot.
what programs do you use?
I use reason 4 and Ableton Live 7.
Thanks for the review man! :D I always love your reviews! <3
some real fun drums here!
cool stuff!
thank you!
just another dude doing homemade music
Age 39, Male
general bulider
wales, britain
Joined on 2/20/08